West End Surgery operates in the West London area serving a diverse mix of patients with a practice population of 4300.
The practice currently employs a total of 13 staff made up of 6 receptionists, 1 practice nurse, 1 health care assistant, 1 secretary, 1 practice manager and 3 GP’s.
The practice had been using a BT Meridian telephone system that had been in place for many years and although the practice had been considering updating the system for some time the budget was simply not available.
It was then that the practice manager, Sharon Shelley, received a call from Redcare5G offering to review their communications, without obligation, with view to replacing their elderly telephone system at little or even no cost. Sharon says “to be truthful when we first heard this we were a little dubious as experience told me that you never get anything for free however the possibility of updating our old system was too hard to resist so we agreed to a meeting with one of their consultants. The consultant who turned up was incredibly knowledgeable and quickly gained a really good understanding of our practice and what we were trying to achieve”.
The Solution
Having discussed the various options available the decision was taken to install a LG Ericsson iPecs 50 telephone system, the system offered all of the functionality and more that the surgery needed and more importantly the savings that were generated from the Practice’s current telephone bill meant that the system effectively cost the practice nothing. A number of new features were adopted as part of the new system including: The introduction of an automated attendant to answer incoming calls adhoc recording of telephone calls the introduction of voicemail for key staff feedback. Sharon Shelley, commented “the installation was carried out quickly with very little disruption and the new system quickly proved a hit with both staff and patients, the fact that we managed to update the system without cost impressed the partners no end”.